Do you remember Jack Phillips, owner of Masterpiece Cakeshop in Lakewood, Colorado? In 2012, Phillips was approached by two men asking that he bake and decorate a cake to celebrate their same-sex wedding. At the time same-sex marriages were against the law in Colorado, so the couple planned to wed in Massachusetts and return for a reception in Colorado. Phillips refused service to the intendeds because his religious beliefs opposed same-sex marriages and he did not feel he should be required to act in opposition to his own religious beliefs. After six long years and multiple appeals, on June 4, 2018, the United States Supreme Court ruled in favor of Mr. Phillips. The ruling was specific to the facts of Phillips’ case, citing Colorado’s blatant anti-religious hostility as the basis for its decision, but left open the larger question of whether or not a baker, or anyone else for that matter, could refuse service to the LGBTQ community based on religious beliefs.

Today we could discuss the merits of the SCOTUS decision or the overt assault on the First Amendment’s protections against religious discrimination, but we will save that discussion for another day. Rather, let’s talk briefly about “haters.”

Autumn Scardina is a Colorado attorney who, while born male, is transitioning to female. In June, 2017, on the exact day SCOTUS agreed to hear the Phillips case, Scardina called Masterpiece Cakeshop and asked Phillips to make a cake celebrating this transition. As he has done in the past, Phillips refused, based on his religious beliefs that a man is a man and a woman is a woman.

Immediately following Phillips’ refusal to bake Scardina’s transition cake, Phillips received an e-mailed request to bake a cake featuring a head of Satan committing a sexual act and later, an individual named Autumn Marie entered Masterpiece Cakeshop asking for a cake featuring a pentagram. Phillips believes each of these requests was made by Scardina.

According to the Washington Post, Scardina then filed a complaint alleging discrimination. On June 28 of this year, the Colorado Civil Rights Commission ruled that exists probable cause that Phillips did indeed discriminate against Scardina, stating that Phillips had “denied her equal enjoyment of a place of public accommodation.”

Phillips has been forced to file a federal lawsuit seeking an injunction against the State of Colorado for engaging in further anti-religious hostility. Here goes more time and money spent to fight injustice brought on by a “hater.”

Some might call Phillips the hater, but he not. 

Autumn Scardina is the true hater, hating everything that differs from an agenda seeking solely to smother and suffocate public actions based on true religious beliefs. Scardina is seeking to destroy the life and livelihood of Jack Phillips solely because Phillips possesses and exercises certain religious beliefs.

When it comes to the true definition of a hater, Autumn Scardina takes the cake. Finally, a cake Scardina deserves!

Beware! You may think a small shop in Colorado has nothing to do with your life. In this case, it starts with the baker, but do not doubt, this hate will spread like wildfire to all industries, throughout all communities and into all families. From a baker with a cake shop to your family in your own home, if the haters do not stop imposing their personal beliefs and agendas on those acting on their legitimate religious beliefs, religious believers may soon be prohibited from the free exercise of their beliefs anywhere but in their thoughts. 


It matters not if you are male or female (or male and then female), black or white, religious or atheist, gay or straight, citizen or immigrant, etc.




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