It’s Election Day in Ohio

It’s election day in Ohio.  On the ballot today, Ohio voters will decide whether or not to amend its constitution to allow the legal production and sale of marijuana.

So, what’s the big deal – pot is already legal in Colorado and Washington, it’s only a matter of time before decriminalization spreads throughout the country, right?

Well, there’s an added twist to the ballot measure in Ohio.  If legalized, marijuana will be grown only on the ten farms named specifically in the ballot measure and no others.  Because of the constitutional nature of the ballot measure, no other growers will ever be allowed.  What’s even more interesting is that the owners of the ten farms, who include pseudo-celebrity Nick Lachey, athletes Oscar Robertson and Frostee Rucker, a Texas auto dealer, and even great-great-grandnephews of President William Howard Taft, created and financed the entire ballot initiative. 

The Washington Post reports that each of the ten ownership groups was required to front $4 million to underwrite the ballot measure and was then expected to fund $10 million more to purchase land and get the farms up and running.

It is estimated that the profits to these corporate-owned marijuana magnates will be in the billions of dollars.  Annually.


What we have here is a small group of “concerned citizens,” under the auspices of legalizing marijuana for the masses, creating a ballot measure that amends the Ohio constitution and allows only those who created and funded the measure to actually sell the marijuana, thus turning an initial investment of $14 million into profits in the billions of dollars.

This measure is less about legalization of pot than it is buying into a state constitution for profit!

Is this government for the people or government for the few?  Is this government for the individual or for the corporation?  It is outrageous that a few wealthy individuals can amend a state constitution solely for purposes of profit.

You should be outraged if you oppose corporate intrusion into government affairs.

You should be outraged even if you support decriminalization of marijuana, as the creators of this measure care not a whit about legalization, but solely about corporate profits.

Interestingly, the promise of this measure on the ballot spawned another ballot question (Ballot Measure 2) that would prohibit constitutionally granted monopolies and oligopolies, including any authorized in the November 3, 2015 election.  If No. 2 passes, No. 3, in theory, even if approved, will not take effect, likely setting up long, expensive court battles.  But, with billions of dollars at stake, what’s a lawsuit or two?

Nick Lachey took to YouTube in an ad supporting passage of Ballot Measure 3 by stating that he is from Ohio and cares very deeply for the people of his state.  He claims that passage of the measure will create jobs, reinvigorate the economy and provide safety to Ohio communities.  Funny how he neglects to mention the potential for billions of dollars in revenue he and his cohorts will see if the measure passes.  You can watch that video here.

What do you think?  Is marijuana legalization so important to supporters that they are willing to overlook one of their other grand causes, fighting “big business” and what is called “corporate welfare,” just so they can get high legally?

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