Christmas Bells and Music – Peace in a Chaotic...

Perhaps for the rest of December, we turn down the sounds of the world and …

The Overthrow of the Constitution

Forget COVID-19. Just for a moment. Last weekend the United States commemorated the ratification of …

You’re a Grand Old Flag!

As long as the Stars and Stripes flies high, we have hope.

Not All That Different

Between you and me, we are not all that different. We are the United States …

Of Pianos and Chainsaws

I do not proclaim my artwork as world class, but do announce that creating my …

Isolation Doesn’t Have to be Bad

Today, most of us find ourselves in some form of isolation . . .

It’s Gonna Be Okay

What a positive, uplifting song, with a message we can all learn from. In this …

What is Bernie Sanders’ Democratic Socialism?

Socialism.  It’s such a scary word, isn’t it.  Did you think the word and the …

Give Real Thanks Today

Happy Thanksgiving.  We hope you are enjoying your families and your food.  Remember, if you …

Service with a Smile

Need a rest from the crazy week that just ended?  Will a nap help? Will …
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