“Either write something worth reading, or do something worth writing.” Benjamin Franklin penned these immortal words more than two centuries ago, and they still ring true today.
To this end, this website will do and highlight both. If what we write is not worth reading, we are not doing our job. Our articles will be worth your time. We also write about those who have done something worth writing about. It’s as simple as that.
We write about politics. We will discuss and political issues that affect you and your family. Issues you can and should discuss with your family.
We write about culture. We support families, freedom and fun. We expect you to enjoy life.
We write about technology. In a world of electronic gadgets in every pocket, we want you to get the information you need to be able to make decisions about the technology you use and allow into your home, classroom and office.
We write about the good people do in service of others. We do so to inspire you do go out and do the same.
We may even write about our favorite food!
Joverity is short for JOCUND VERITY, meaning light-hearted truth. We write to educate and uplift, not to scare and demean. “Light-hearted” does not mean empty, useless or shallow. It does mean we will look at and highlight issues in a manner that will not bring you down or leave you feeling lost. We write about serious topics, we write about difficult topics, we may even write about scary topics from time to time. In spite of whatever topic or theme we address, our writings will be positive and enlightening. We intend that you will leave our website feeling informed, educated, enlightened and even entertained. You will want to return – often.
Please do return. And please share these jocund verities with others.
Inform Inspire Enlighten Entertain.